Donald Miller has helped more than 3,000 businesses clarify their marketing messages so their companies grow. He's the CEO of StoryBrand, the cohost of the Building a StoryBrand Podcast, and the author of several books, including the bestsellers Blue Like Jazz and A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife, Betsy, and their dogs, Lucy and June Carter. Learn more

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Suggested Resources from Donald Miller:

Book - Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step StoryBrand Guide for Any Business

Business Made Simple - Get Don's daily video tips for free.

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C4 Roles that we play in life: The Victim, The Villain, The Hero and The Guide. - Tweet That Now

If we want to be more positive, there are two roles we cannot play: The Victim or The Villain. - Tweet That Now

The Victim is pessimistic, it says "We're not going to make it, there's nothing we can do." - Tweet That Now

The Victim says, "Someone else take responsibility for my life." - Tweet That Now

The Villain is angry. The Villain want others to pay for this. They're blaming others for their problems. - Tweet That Now

The Hero accepts reality for what it is, a challenge. They don't turn from it though. The move into it. They know it will make them stronger. - Tweet That Now

A Hero steps into a challenge with optimism and belief. They know the risk might be high but they believe they can overcome. - Tweet That Now

The Guide is character who is helping the Hero win. We need be more of the guide. Who can you help find strength? - Tweet That Now

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STAY POSITIVE - The new Wall Street Journal bestselling book by Jon Gordon and Daniel Decker. Includes over 300 encouraging quotes and messages to fuel your life with positive energy. Grab a copy today!

POSITIVE UNIVERSITY PODCAST - A free podcast from bestselling author Jon Gordon where he and his guests share how to overcome adversity, stay positive and make a greater difference. Subscribe and listen via iTunes, Google Play or your favorite podcast app.


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